Where is T6M offered?
T6M is currently offered in the tri-state area of New York.

I don't live near New York, will T6M come to me?
If you live outside the New York City tri-state area, T6M will travel to you and the expenses of travel and accommodation added to your tuition.

What does T6M cost?
The tuition is presently $650.00 per person; it is scheduled to increase on June 1, 2012 to $950.00. Tuition pays for the Launch, a two month training period that includes one full-day launch, one three-hour meeting, six conference calls and training materials. For groups in the tri-state area, T6M provides meeting facilities located in Brooklyn, NY. Groups forming outside the tri-state area, and groups wishing to use a different location, pay for all expenses incurred in obtaining the space.

How does one form or join a T6M group?
You may form your own group or request to be notified when a group forms in your area. In both cases, contact the T6M office and speak directly with a representative about registration: toll free 888-584-4401; email. For more information, read more about being in a T6M group on the Is T6M For Me page.

How long does a T6M group last?
Your participation in a T6M group is a one-year. As five other people are counting on your support, it is vitally important that you can fully participate for the full year and not have commitments that might take you away such as relocating, or erratic work schedules. Many groups choose to continue for a second and third year.

How many hours per month does my participation require?
Allocate about ten hours per month for your T6M activities. During the Launch, a two-month training period at the beginning, allow extra time for homework.

What are the primary requirements to be in a T6M group?
As a T6'er, you have two commitments to your group for which you are asked to hold in the highest regard: First, you commit to supporting the five other people in your group in achieving THEIR goals and dreams and at no point do you make it about getting what you came to get. Second, you commit to full participation for one year. Both are critical commitments to your group's success, and both will at times be challenging (and also very rewarding).

What's in it for me?
If my focus is on the other five people in my group and their success, what's in it for me? The first answer is that you now have five other people committed to and focusing on your success. The second answer includes the many good skills and habits you will be practicing for one year and making part of your life; they will help you in so many other areas including relationships, work and family.

What kind of people do T6M?
Most T6'ers are accomplished people who wish to take their endeavors to the next level. They are entrepreneurs, small business owners, freelancers, self-employed, contractors and art related fields. The average age is from 30-50 years old.

Is there a money-back guarantee?
Once a group is launched and formed it is no longer possible to offer a refund. Prior to a group's launch, you may choose to opt out, however, T6M will keep an amount equal to the current non-refundable deposit necessary to pay for initial registration procedures.

Why six people per group?

When a group reaches six people it achieves critical mass, meaning, it is indeed a group. At five people, the group often remains a collection of individuals and without that magical quality of a group present. More than six and the group splinters into sub-groups. T6M is designed for six people, no more and no less. For this reason, it is critical that those who commit can participate fully for the whole year.

Does T6M have a business product?
T6M is for individuals and for their own personal objectives. There is no T6M business product as it would be in service for the business objectives, not those of the individuals. We believe that big business has numerous such products already whereas individuals do not.

What happens if I drop out from my group?
T6M is not suitable for you if dropping out is a concern. As per the design of T6M, five other people are counting on you; to drop out is to abandon them; it causes a vacuum and is quite detrimental to the remaining group's ongoing success.

Team 6 Method respects your privacy, protecting it is important to us. Your provided information is used for internal purposes only and is never made available to others or sold. For more, read our privacy policy statement.

How do I register?
Call or email the T6M offices; we will send you a registration package: toll free 888-584-4401; email. Coming soon we will have an online registration page.

Who will be in my T6M group?
Most participants are in groups formed by other participants; T6M does not form groups. You might know the other people in your group but more likely you will not. A T6M group tends to have greater potential and success when it is a diverse group of strangers. This is due in part by the group becoming your new "crowd." It is easier in a new crowd to make changes as there are no people in it seeing you through the limitations of your past.

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onsectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?
onsectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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